Sunday, June 30, 2013

Day 13: Traditional Korean Archery (국궁)

Today, like most days, was very hot in Wonju. After classes ended the students got together and left campus to learn some Traditional Korean Archery. We were instructed to wear long pants and close toed shoes. It's been getting hotter by the day and the humidity is beginning to pick up as well. Other than the heat, I have nothing else to complain about here. I'm having the time of my life!

South Korea is world famous for their archery teams in the Olympic games. Last summer South Korea took the gold medal for the women's individuals and team event, gold for the men's individuals, and bronze for the men's team event. 화이팅! Although it's not quite the same, it was still pretty exciting to shoot a bow in South Korea. With this being said, I never hit the target once haha. I guess I'm not meant to become a professional archer. 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 11/12: Taekwondo (태권도) 하고 Special Needs Volunteering

Yesterday, I spent the afternoon taking a Taekwondo class at Yonsei University with all of my classmates. I purposely chose a position in the far back corner, but unfortunately ten minutes in someone informed the instructors that I was a black belt so I was put in front of the class on one side of the room to help demonstrate. To be completely honest I was pretty embarrassed, but I also had an amazing time with all of my classmates. We spend the time getting to know each other better and honestly making complete fools of ourselves. Overall I would said it was an awesome day.

Today, after class I went to a special needs center with half of my classmates to help volunteer. When we first arrived we didn't know what we getting into and what to expect. As usual, we were greeted kindly by all the staff and were asked to helped with many of the residents at this center. Many of the people living at the center were brought here because their families had difficulties in giving appropriate attention and care to their loved ones. The center is out in the countryside and is a beautiful location. I had the pleasure of helping out a young boy that could not speak well, but he could understand us relatively well. We walked around the complex a few times and played with some of his friends, and the entire time he was latched onto my arm. We became pretty good friends by the end of the day I would say. This center was a great place to understand one of many volunteer opportunities in South Korea and what it has to offer. The students in the CLS program will be volunteering here once a week so I'll be sure to write an extensive blog of my experience here in the future. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 9: South Korean-U.S. Alliance Concert and Food Poisoning

Today we were invited to attend a concert hosted by the Korean and U.S. Army to celebrate the alliance held between these two great nations. It highlighted the U.S. entering the Korean War to support South Korea. There were a series of incredible performances by very talented artist, the world's best harmonica player, a comical tight rope performer, and the very talented army orchestras. During this performance I was happy to see both the U.S. and South Korean flags hanging from the top of the stage. I'm very proud to say that I am a Korean-American.

On another note, I had food poisoning (식중독) from yesterday, but it's okay!  I've prepared myself mentally for the worse when it comes to traveling. Also, I should have known better when I ate nearly a pound of raw fish yesterday. I usually have bad luck with food poisoning... Last year when I was living in China I had food poisoning three times and water poisoning once. In an unfortunate way I'm kind of used to it now!

This duet was performed in Korean and English.
Ethnic Dance

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day 8: Busan

Today I woke up at the crack of dawn to go to a local fish market in Busan. We purchased several fresh fish and had them scaled and gutted in front of us. Shortly after returning we had a nice raw seafood breakfast!

After breakfast we went to the famous Haeundae (해운대) beach to check out one of the most popular vacation destinations in South Korea. Shortly after we went to an international market to enjoy street food and see another side of Korean culture.

After a long day we drove back to Wonju, where I said goodbye to my wonderful host family to begin living in the dorms halls at Yonsei University.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Day 7: Andong and Busan

Andong 안동하회마을

I took off on a road trip with my host family to go to Busan (부산). Busan is a port city in the southeast and has the second largest population in South Korea. It also happens to be where my mom was born and raised, so I'm pretty excited to get back in touch with the roots of my heritage.

Before heading to Busan, we stopped by the city of Andong to view the well preserved Hahoe Village (안동하회마을).

In Busan, we celebrated the birthday of the families' grandmother. I felt like I was intruding at first, but the Korean people's hospitality and eagerness to share their culture is incredibly genuine. I spent the night listening to stories of Korea before the economic eruption and development and had an amazing opportunity to hear the experiences of these great people.

They made me an honorary member of the family